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Scott G. Christesen Panel Member for NYS Bar Association

In March 2012, Scott G. Christesen was a panel member at the New York State Bar Association Continuing Legal Education program entitled “Medical Malpractice”. He addressed topics including the NYS Medical Indemnity Fund, recent developments in lien related matters and substantive developments in the Appellate courts.

Alan J. Fumuso Presented to Department of Oral Surgery at LIJ

In January 2012, Alan J. Fumuso presented a lecture to the Department of Oral Surgery at Long Island Jewish Hospital. Speaking before both residents and attendings, Mr. Fumuso discussed his recently completed trial successfully representing an Oral Surgeon in Suffolk County, using actual case issues as a teaching tool and demonstration of Risk Management principles

Super Lawyers 2011

Alan J. Fumuso has once again been chosen as a New York “Super Lawyer” by Super Lawyers Magazine. To achieve this honor, an attorney has to be nominated by his peers, and then go through a screening process by the magazine editorial board. Only 5% of practicing attorneys in New York achieve this designation. Mr. Fumuso will be featured in the September issue of Super Lawyers Magazine, and in the October 2nd issue of the Sunday New York Times Magazine.

Scott G. Christesen On Panel For NYS Bar Association

Scott G. Christesen will be a member of the panel at the May 24, 2011 New York State Bar Association Continuing Legal Education program offered at the Melville Marriott, entitled ” How To Commence A Civil Lawsuit”. He will speak on the topic of motion practice dealing with procedural and substantive amendments to and dismissal of the pleadings.